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DIFC 00017

深化数字油田建设 推进企业两化融合


大港油田信息中心 天津市滨海新区 300280


Deepen the digital oilfield construction to promote integration of informatization and industrialization.

Liu Zhizhong Ma Jie Yang Jie Sun Quan Liu Xiaolei Hou Jinli

Information Center DaGang Oilfield Binhai Economic Zones Tianjin City 300280

Copyright 2013, Shaanxi Petroleum Society

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2013 Digitial And Intelligent Fields Conference and Exhibition(Inernational) held in Xi’an, China, 16-18 September 2013.

This paper was selected for presentation by the DIFC Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the DIFC Committee and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the DIFC Committee, its members. Papers presented at the Conference are subject to publication review by Professional Committee of Petroleum Engineering of Shaanxi Petroleum Society. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of Shaanxi Petroleum Society is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of DIFC. Contact email :info@http://doc.xuehai.net.


In recent years, digital oilfield and wisdom smart oilfield concepts have been put forward. Both concepts represent a systematic summary of informatization progress of oil and gas production enterprises and an enhancement of theoretical understanding. They are symbols of oil and gas production enterprises practicing integration of industrialization and informatization. A number of new technologies and concepts such as IOT and cloud computing were also applied and innovated during the course of digital oilfield construction. Enormous scattered and relatively isolated professional data was collected and organized by enterprise data assets management and an in-depth utilization. Moreover, GIS, visualization technology and data mining techniques were applied to turn these big data into valuable information, and thus prompted the using of cloud computing in professional research fields, providing the company with high-performance computing power, lowered management cost, and improved knowledge on oil deposits. The application of SOA, on the other hand, promoted the effectiveness of management and core development capability of oil and gas production enterprises. Dagang Oilfield, which boasts a history of nearly fifty years and based upon its own objective conditions, has explored a sustainable way of digital oilfield development featuring low cost and high efficiency, promoted the production to a new stage.

Key words:DOF;IOT;Collaborative research

摘 要



  • 两化融合推进工程
  • 推进两化融合
  • 推进两化深度融合
  • 推进两化融合基本情况
  • 中建 推进两化融合
  • 两化融合
  • 两化融合管理体系
  • 两化融合管理体系贯标



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