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七年级英语下册 Units3-4单元练习题

姓 名: 班 级:

一、 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1. ---“_____ do you like pandas?”---“______ they’re cute”

A. Why, Because B. Why, so C. What, Because D. What, so

( ) 2. ______ only live in China.

A. Penguins B. Koalas C. Tigers D. Pandas

( ) 3. How many elephants are there in the zoo? --- There aren't _______. A: some B: any C: one D: much

( ) 4. Their ______ are friendly _____ us.

A. friendly, to B. friends, to C. friends, for D. friendly, in

( ) 5. ---“Don’t you want to go to the zoo?” ---“__________. I want to see the elephants.”

A. Yes, I don’t B. No, I don’t C. No, I do D. Yes, I do.

( ) 6. Pandas like eating______ and elephants like eating________.

A. leafs, grass B.leaves, grass C. leaf, grass D. leaf, grasses

( ) 7. Don’t _______ the small dog.

A. play B. play with C. play and D. to play with

( ) 8. ---“_____________________?”---“I’m a student.”

A. What do you do? B. What’s your job?

C. What are you? D. A, B, C and D

( ) 9. ---“What_____ you want to _____?”---“I want to be an actor.”

A. do , is B. do, are C. do, be D. do, do

( ) 10. A reporter likes______ to people and ______ stories.

A. to talk, writing B. talking, to write C. talking, writing D. talk, write

( ) 11. Please call Peter_____ 355-7053 if you want a job _____ a waiter.

A. at, as B. at, for C. as, for D. for, as

( ) 12. ---“What’s your job, Henry?”---“I’m a_______. I work with people and money.”

A. waiter B. bank clerk C. policeman D. shop assistant

( ) 13. Linda wants me to help her find____.

A. interesting job. B. an interesting job

C. an interesting work D. a interesting work

( ) 14. Mr. Green is ill in ____hospital. So he can't come here today.

A: the B: a C:/ D. an

( ) 15. I like penguins because they are________ cute and clever.

A. a kind of B. all kinds of C. kind of D. a kind


I’m a reporter. I work _16____ a newspaper. I am good at ___17___ and talking. Every day, I __18___ many kinds of people. Some are interesting, some are hard to talk to. But most of them are nice and ____19_ . They tell me many interesting __20____. Today I’ll go to meet a



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