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(完卷时间:60分钟 满分:100分)

Part I 听力部分40%


( )1. A. bottle B. pebble C. job

( )2. A. come B. down C. long

( )3. A. cold B. cool C. coat

( )4. A. swim very fast B. fly very high C. run very fast

( )5. A. walk to school B. near the school

C. welcome to our school


( )1. A. That man is my mother’s brother.

B. That lady is my cousin’s mother.

C. That man is my mother’s cousin.

( )2. A. Mr Xu is a firefighter. He likes his job.

B. Mr Xu isn’t a firefighter. He likes his job.

C. Mr Xu is a firefighter .He doesn’t like his job.

( )3. A. The mouse can bite the net.

B. The lion is afraid .It’s in the net.

C. The mouse can help the lion.

( )4. A. The boys are all wearing long jackets.

B. The girls are all wearing white T-shirts.

C. The kids are all wearing long T-shirts.

( )5. A. The brave boy puts out the fire.

B. The tall man puts out the fire.

C. The brave man puts out the fire.


( )1. A. That’s all right. B. Great! C. That’s right.

( )2. A. My teacher B. A teacher C. Teacher

( )3. A.A police officer. B. Help people. C. Our uncle.

( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, we do. C. Yes, we like.

( )5. A. We are happy. B. They are happy. C. He’s happy.


( )1. Supergirl can swim, but she can’t fly.

( )2. Supergirl’s hair is long.

( )3. Supergirl has a cat.

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