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Unit7I'm more outgoing than my sister

Unit 7 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

Period 1 (Section A 1a-1c)

Teaching Aims:

1. Words: outgoing; better: loudly; quietly; hard-working; competition. Language objectives: That’s Tara, isn’t it?

Sam has longer hair than Tom .

Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. Tara works as hard as Tina. 2. Ability objectives:

to talk about personal traits and compare people; to improve Ss’ speaking, listening and writing skills.

to grasp the structure of comparatives, e.g. comparatives with –(i)er and more, both and as...as...; to grasp the structure: A+谓语+比较级(adj./adv.)+than+B, A+谓语+as+原级(adj./adv.)+as+B; to recycle vocabulary about description 3. Emotional objectives: to find strengths of somebody else, to explore the beauty

of the world.

Important and difficult points:

1. To talk about personal traits特点 ; to grasp how to compare people.

2. To use target language: A+谓语+比较级(adj./adv.)+than+B, A+谓语+as+原级(adj./adv.)+as+B, comparatives with –(i)er and more.

3. To improve Ss’ listening, speaking and writing skills; to develop their communicative competence. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Leading-in.

To show some pictures to recycle adj. based on some types, and learn some new words.

Step 2 1a

1 Learn new words:outgoing,better loudly quietly which competition fantastic hard-working

clearly win funny friendly smart lazy

look at the picture in 1a and make a list of the adjectives.

Purpose: to make Ss recall some adjectives they have learnt before; Step 3 Presentation

1. . To ask Ss the usage of the adj. and show some example sentences about comparative degree.

2. To show some adjectives and adverbs with –(i) er, -r, more and some special words like

better, more, worse, etc.. Then ask Ss to discuss the common points of the


Purpose: to lead in comparative degree; to make Ss summarize the change rules of

comparative degree of adj.and adv..

1. To make Ss compare two persons or two things with the above adjectives and



  • more outgoing
  • sister unit1
  • sister unit4
  • sister unit6
  • sister unit2
  • more than
  • more than i can say
  • no more than



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