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2014 二模易错题

I.Choose the best.

1.Do you have to wear _________ uniform if you work at McDonld s?(杨浦)

a)a b)an c)the d)/

2.The Chinese ______ the first to use paper money, probably as early as the eleventh century.

a)is b)are c)was d)were

3.They are looking for someone who is familiar ________ computers.

a)to b)with c)at d)for

4.-----_________do you go to the after-school activity centre? -----Once a week.

a)How long b)How often c)How soon d)How many times

5.This pair of shoes is too small for me. Can you show me ________ pair?

a)other b)others c)another d)the others

6.If I can t finish _________my homework now, I ll go on with it after supper.

a)do b)doing c)did d)to do

7.Over 20 countries joined to search __________ Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean.

(黄浦) a)of b)for c)in d)from

8.------Did you see Mary and her sister this morning?

------Yes, I saw ___________ girls playing in the playground.

a)either b)neither c)any d)both

9.This summer vocation I am going to do a lot of _________ to prepare for the senior high school.

a)job b)work c)invention d)service

10.It is said that a wooden bridge ___________ over the river in the mountain village soon.

a)build b)will be built c)will build d)built

11.------_________ will your parents come back to Shanghai?

------Maybe in a month.

a)How far b)How many c)How soon d)How often

12.At the meeting the boss was explaining his plan while his secretary ________ the notes.

a)is taking b)was taking c)has taken d)takes

13.Some naughty boys like to play _________ trick on their classmates on April Fool s Day. (虹

口) a)a b)an c)the d)/

14.We were all __________ favor of this plan after we discussed for about two hours.

a)at b)in c)to d)on

15.While in college, Mak never minded __________ extra work for his class.

a)to do b)doing c)do d)extra

16.Get prepared __________ you can set out immediately if something happens.

a)after b)since c)while d)so that

17.My little brother hopes __________ the film Dad, Where are WE Going, though he has seen it

twice. a)to see b)see c)to seeing d)saw

18.It s not safe for you to go to the forest alone, for you ___________ lose your way in it.

a)need b)must c)should d)may

19.What are you hoping to do when you leave ___________ school?

a)the b)/ c)a d)an

20.The reports says __________of the two countries in Asia supports the war.



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