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Boss AD8 说明书

Owner’ Masnaul Thna yku, oandco gnrtaualitosn n yooruc hicoe of BSOSAD-8 A cuotics Gutia Procresosr .eBorfe suign histu int c,arfuelylr ad ehe tsctione enstiled:“UtSIN TGE HNIUTS FALY”E(page 2–)3 nad IMP“RTANT NOOTSE” p(ga e4).T hesese tconis rovipd iemportnat ifnormtioa noccnering thne rppero poratein of ohe unit.tAdd tionilayl, n orider ot eel assufedrt ha tyo uhaevg anide aoodg grap so evefy fertaru eporvide by dyor newu uin, thti masunlas ohld be urae ind it snetieryt. Te mhauanl hsuldobe asvdean dketpo n and ash a ocnevneit refenrecen

Ma.in eaFurets● U●isg“nAcoutscim doleig,” thne uin ctovnetr sht euotut prfm poezo iickpus tpo ht esunod of a ealr coastic guitar,u sac ptared byu ahig-hqaliuy mti. cOCS Modelimngrec erteas htei pormatn tocmponnetso f avari tye of ercrdoin gisuttiaon.s Oferfed reasi xwo rldf-aoums causoticgui tra alsnogw tiha unbem roft o-puqlaiyt condeser mncis .oN ywu oanc awlys oabatin hetbest coasuit scuno,d wehtherperf roimg nlie vo rrecrodngi iny uo rohe smtdui. oBult-ii nre“erb,” devvelope edpecsilayl ofr usew ti acohsuic gutitra, lets ysu oropuce adw diera gne f opasialt osnds,u fom thr enaural tairiness tocon ectrh allre vrberetiao. Innlucdes“a tni-efedacb” kfuctnin ohatt auomtaitcallysu prepsss hoelwing B.iult-i ntnur letsey o tunueup ea ilys,i serdayw enhevernee ed.dThe uotutpc an alo bs eutmde ith wthe AD8’-s epad ldriungtu ingn .“Meorym”fun citno alloswyou t o onfcguie rupt ofou grorpu sfo ettsngi ts soitu hetmater ial bien gplyedaor t e tyhe op fgutari oyua r eusng.i ● ●●

CO●M (CSompoite sOjbce tounSdMo deilgn )CompsitoeO becj Sount Moddeing lC(OM)S i sRloan’d sninvotiav eandp oewrul sounfdmo dling teehconlgo. yOCMS naalyzes th maey fnctaos rhta tmae kp tue orihgialnso ud, nsch uas the eectlrcai lnd ahpsicaylcha actrrestiis coft e ohiginar, lna tdenhpro ucds ae digtil maoed thlt acn arpreodceu htes ameso udn.Co prygiht© 2 030 BOSS ORCOPARTIONAll ighrtsr seevrde No p.ar tf thoisp bulciaiot nmy be aeproruded ci nan fyorm itwhutot ehw irtte pernissmio nfo BOSS CORPRATION.






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