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《步步高》2013届高三英语大一轮复习单元规范训练:Book 1Unit 2(新人教版必修1)

Unit 2 English around the world


1.________for a long time,but he tried his best to make up for what he missed. A.Being ill staying in hospital B.Having been ill staying in hospital C.He was ill staying in hospital D.To be ill staying in hospital

2.The film,________ the true story of this Red Army general,attracted people’s interest all over the country.

A.is based on

B.is on the base of D.based upon

C.which is the base for

3.A competent speaker of a language must have a(n)________ of these different styles. Ament

B.observation D.response


4.Don’t respond to any e-mails________ personal information,no matter how official they look.

A.searching C.requesting

B.asking D.questioning

5.—Oh,it’s you!I didn’t________ you.

—We haven’t seen each other for several years.Glad to meet you again. A.realize C.know

B.recognize D.see

6.—Four dollars a pair?I think it’s a bit too much.

—If you buy three pairs,the price for each will________ to three fifty. Ae down

B.take down

D.go over

C.turn over

7.—Have you bought the dictionary?

—No.I have________ two yuan on me. A.more than C.over

B.no more than D.more over

8.We can’t give up________ we should fail 10 times. A.even if

B.since D.until




  • 高一数学必修1人教版
  • 人教版数学必修1
  • 人教版高中英语必修1
  • 人教版语文必修1
  • 人教版高一英语必修一
  • 人教版高一数学必修一
  • 人教版英语必修三
  • 人教版英语必修一单词



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