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1.High school students should study abroad, or not?












positive side: (1) Students abroad can act as messengers for culture exchange.

(2) If we live in a foreign language environment, we are able to learn a foreign language more quickly.

(3) Studying abroad makes us enjoy the beautiful scenery abroad , expands our horizons and provides an opportunity for us to learn advanced ideas in western countries.

(4) Studying abroad can cultivate the students’ability in self-supporting and help them to establish the spirit of hard.

(5) After they returning to their countries, they will have a better competitiveness for the workplace.

negative side: (1) Students abroad will have difficulties adapting to the new environment.

(2) When we are far away from our hometown and our parents, we may feel lonely and homesick.

(3) For the family which is not rich, studying abroad is also a great economic burden undoubtedly.

(4) It is not easy to graduate from foreign universities because of their management system of “come in easily,out strictly”.

(5) It is not necessary for students abroad to improve their professional competitiveness.Studying abroad doesn’t mean success.

Is it good or bad to study abroad?

Attending schools abroad has many advantages. The living experience may teach them to be independent and more adaptable to new environment. They can act as mediators between different peoples, learn much more advanced knowledge and a foreign language more quickly.

However, they’ll come across a series of challenges. They’re far away from their parents and don’t have enough Chinese friends. So, they may feel lonely and homesick and deal with everything by themselves. Studying abroad is also a great economic burden to their parents. Moreover, they’re not sure to make a great achievement. Since students can enjoy education of the same quality in China, why should they bother to study abroad?

Therefore, whether it’s good or not to study abroad depends on the individu al.





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