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(必修二·Unit 1)


1.After the ________ journey from Jiuzhaigou,Tom returned home,________. A.amazing; excited B.amazing; excitedly C.amazed; excited D.amazing; exciting

答案与解析:A 本题考查分词的用法。第一空用amazing修饰journey,表示“让人惊喜的旅行”;第二空用excited,为过去分词作状语。注意第二空前的标点符号不可小看;若去掉其前逗号,可考虑选择B。

2.I'd like to do something for you ________ everything you've done for me. A.in exchange B.in turn C.in return for D.in terms of

答案与解析:C 本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:作为对你为我所做的一切的报答,我想为你做点什么。in return for“作为对……的报答”;in turn“依次,反过来”;in exchange“作为交换”;in terms of “就……来说,关于”。根据句意应选C。

3.Tigers ________ meat-eating animals ________ meats.

A.belonged to; feed on B.belonging to; feed on

C.were belonged to; are fed on D.belonging to; are fed on

答案与解析:B 本题考查非谓语动词短语作定语及语态。belonging to 作定语,修饰主语tigers;第二空为句子的谓语,用主动形式。feed on 表示“以……为食”。

4.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ as the plane was making a landing.

A.seat B.seating C.seated D.to be seating

答案与解析:C 本题考查remain的用法。句意:因为飞机要着陆了,飞行员要求所有的乘客都坐好。remain seated 在此可译为“坐在原地不动”。

5.—What do you ________ the TV series?

—It is ________.I've never seen such a better one before. A.think of; think highly of B.think of; highly thought of C.think about; thought well

D.think about; highly thought of 答案与解析:B 本题考查think短语的用法。第一空表示“对……的看法”,常见句型为What do you think of...?第二空表示“受到很高的评价”,变为被动语态时介词of不能丢掉。

6.Mary ________ my letter,otherwise she would have replied before now. A.has received B.ought to have received C.couldn't have received D.shouldn't have received

答案与解析:C 本题考查情态动词+have done的用法。句意:玛丽一定没有收到我的信,要不然的话她在这之前就给我回复了。couldn't have done sth.表示“不可能做过某事”。

7.The square in front of the supermarket is so limited that when going there,first of all,you should consider ________ your car.

A.parking B.where to park C.to park D.where parking 答案:B

8.—I'm worn out;________,the bike doesn't work well,so I can't go farther. —Then,we'd better have a rest here. A.apart from B.except for C.beside D.besides

答案与解析:D besides可用做副词,意为“另外;此外还有”,用于引出下面的话题信息。

9.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,________ the sailing time was 226 days.

A.of which B.during which


C.from which D.for which

答案与解析:A of which引导定语从句,表示“其中……”。这位老船员花了9个月的时间环游世界,其中航海的时间是226天。

10.There is no doubt ________ international cooperation is the key to ________ with cybercrime. A.whether; doing B.that; dealing C.whether; dealing D.that; doing

答案与解析:B There is no doubt表达的是肯定含义,故其后用that来引导从句;the key to结构中的to为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。

11.China has planned to build the world's largest national park,________ is expected to replace America's Yellowstone National Park.

A.which B.where C.what D.as

答案与解析:A 该非限制性定语从句中缺少主语成分,故用which引导,指代前半句中的the world's largest national park。

12.You'd better not ________ the radio,or you'll not be able to put it back together again. A.take apart B.take away C.take out D.take in

答案与解析:A 本题考查短语辨析。由后半句中的“put it back together”可知用take apart“拆开;分开”。

13.The suspect's fingerprint printed on the gun was the main ________ against him. A.crime B.information C.evidence D.conviction

答案与解析:C 题意:那个嫌疑犯在枪上留下的指纹是证明他有罪的主要证据。evidence“证据;证明”。

14.They have ________ the cause of the accident,but the result is still not known to us. A.looked for B.looked up C.looked into D.looked round 答案与解析:C 题意:他们调查了事故的起因,但我们依然不知道结果。look for“寻找”;look up“查找”;look into“调查;研究”;look round“环顾”。

15.(2011·安徽名校联考)________ the match is lost? We can fight again! A.Even though B.What though C.If though D.As though

答案与解析:B 从后面“We can fight again!”判断,此处表示不在乎失败。What though…?的意思是“即使……又怎样?根据句意,应选B。

II 单项填空

1.Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things. You have to________some of them. A.remain B.recycle C.remove D.renew

答案:C remain意为“仍然是”;recycle表示“回收”;remove表示“移走”;renew表示“续借”;根据语境可知“搬走不必要的东西”。

2.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt________a cure for AIDS will be found. A.which B.that C.what D.whether

答案:B 题意: 一些研究人员认为艾滋病的治疗方法毫无疑问将会被人类所发现。There is no doubt that...为固定结构,表示“对……没有怀疑,疑虑”。

3.That is really________the money!

A.worth B.worthy C.worthwhile D.valuable 答案:A 题意:真便宜!注意,类似表达还有:① That's a good bargain! ② That's really cheap! ③ It's very cheap!

4.It was reported that eight policemen were sent into the woods________the missing pilot. A.in search of B.in need of C.in charge of D.in time of

答案:A 题意:据报道有8名警察被派去森林里寻找失踪的飞行员。介词短语in search of“寻找”在此作目的状语。in need of“需要;需求”;in charge of“主管;掌握”;in time of 无此结构。



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