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河北省保定市高阳中学2015届高三下学期第五次周练英语试题 (Word版含答案)

河北省保定市高阳中学2015届高三下学期第五次周练英语试题 (Word版含答案)



MuM:Kathy,have you decided what you're going to do in the vacation?

Kathy:you think,Mum?

MuM:Kathy:Not really.I don't think much of the jobs I've seen in the newspaper.(A week later)

MuM:Kathy,are you still looking for a childcare job?

Kathy:No,.I've been offered a job in the office of the local computer factory and it's well .I've decided to take it and on Monday.

MuM:Good!Kathy:,typing letters,answering phone calls and so on.

MuM:Some people may find busy and boring,and you need to be patient and careful.

Kathy:Thank you,Mum.I'll try my best.


河北省保定市高阳中学2015届高三下学期第五次周练英语试题 (Word版含答案)

When I was a time that teaches a man thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult.But now,door of adulthood,,yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice.

I once read this sentence:To make this world a happy place to live in,you'd ,instead of the whole world.I was shocked.It made me think stop turning no not.What we can do is just to make ourselves world.I think we should learn to gives us,no matter whether it's the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall,and try to be happy.

Deeply moved by the pop song Grandmother(by Jay Chou),I always try to pleasant thing in my life,but now I see I don't catch most of the pleasant moments.It is they slip by and leave you feeling realize that I'm not just living for myself and that there are the others around me I should all pay attention to my growing up,even if it's just a little progress.

matter,—and that's to make this world better.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文中的“我”从父母告诉“我”的一句话中学会了生活,懂得了生活,学会了适应社会。许多时候我们还是要改变自己来适应这个世界,而不是改变世界让世界来适应自己!

1.A.man B.time C.thing D.parent



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