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Nano letter许晓雄High-Energy All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries with Ultralong Cycle Life

High-Energy All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries with Ultralong Cycle Life

Xiayin Yao,†Deng Liu,†Chunsheng Wang,‡Peng Long,†Gang Peng,†Yong-Sheng Hu,*,§Hong Li,§Liquan Chen,§and Xiaoxiong Xu*,†

†Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ningbo315201,P.R.China

‡Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,University of Maryland,College Park,Maryland20742,United States §Key Laboratory for Renewable Energy,Beijing Key Laboratory for New Energy Materials and Devices,Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190,P.R.China

*Supporting Information

421mAh g−1at1.27mA cm−2after1000

and power densities,exhibiting360Wh

This contribution demonstrates a new

cobalt sulfide−Li7P3S11nanocomposites,

urrently commercialized lithium ion batteries generally suffer from serious safety arising from theirflammable organic liquid electrolytes.1,2All-solid-state lithium batteries, using inorganic solid electrolytes instead of combustible liquid electrolytes,are considered to be the ultimate solution to address this issue.3,4Meanwhile,the energy density of the all-solid-state lithium battery could be further improved by using a lithium metal as anode,making it a novel candidate for large scale energy storage devices or electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle power sources.5,6

All-solid-state lithium batteries,employing sulfide solid electrolytes and conventional layered or spinel lithium transition-metal oxides as cathodes,7,8are extensively inves-tigated due to the rapid development of sulfide electrolytes with high ionic conductivity of10−2to10−3S cm−1and chemical stability.2,9−11The energy density for the all-solid-state lithium battery using LiCoO2as a positive material has reached the level comparable to that of liquid one.8However,it is still far from meeting the demand for the electric vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle applications due to its theoretical specific capacity limitation.Moreover,power density and cycling stability remain an obstacle for an all-solid-state lithium battery to be practically applied,owing to a large interfacial resistance between the cathode and sulfide electrolyte.12,13This issue can be somewhat alleviated by introducing an electron-insulating and ion-conducting material as a functional buffer layer at the active material and sulfide electrolyte interface.8,12−14Con-sequently,favorable and stable solid−solid interfaces between electrodes and solid electrolytes are crucial to achieving excellent electrochemistry performances.Thus far,it is indispensable to develop electrode materials possessing wonderful compatibility with solid electrolytes as well as high charge−discharge capacities for all-solid-state lithium batteries. Recently,transition metal sulfides have captured much attention due to their favorable interface compatibility with sulfide electrolytes as well as high theoretical capacity,moderate Received:August16,2016


Nano letter许晓雄High-Energy All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries with Ultralong Cycle Life

©XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b03448






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