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9A Unit 1 Star signs

课题:Welcome to the unit 课型:新授


知识目标:1. To identify the symbols that represents the star signs

2. To learn the names of the symbols that represents the star signs

能力目标:To know about 12 different star signs

情感目标:Know about your characteristic and perfect yourselves

教学重点:Different star signs and symbols

教学难点:Different stars signs and symbols


教 师 活 动

Step1 Warm-up

1. Ask students what animals they are in the Chinese horoscope. Ask them to describe the

characteristics of that animal. For weaker classes, you can write the English names of the Chinese star signs on the board.

Rat\Ox\Tiger\Rabbit\Dragon\Snake \Horse\Goat\Monkey\Rooster\Dog\Pig

For the stronger Ss, encourage Ss to say the names directly.

2. Explain that western countries use a different system of star signs. Explain that the western

star sign system is based on the month you were born in, rather than the year you were born in.

Step2. Welcome to the unit

1. Explain to students that each picture in Part A represents a star sign. Ask them to complete Part A, then discuss the answers as a class. Students who have made mistakes in this section will benefit from correcting their answers before proceeding to the Reading section, then read the star signs well.

2. Ask students to complete Part B. Explain that there are 12 star signs in total---- those in Part A and those in Part B. Each star sign represents a period of time in a year.

3. Ask students whether they know what their star sign is. Encourage them to say the name of their star sign aloud.

Step 3. Comic strips

1.Have a listening , then make sure what Eddie and Hobo discuss in the unit

2. Grasp the expressions in the unit.

Eg: It is nice of you to bring me the newspaper, Worry about

3. Read the paragraph below the pictures and know about the topic of this unit.


1.Finish some exercises.

2.Recite new words.



1. Listen and think 12 animals in the Chinese Horoscope.

2. Think and say out the stars they know

3. Look at the pictures, learn new words and remember them

4. Listen and answer what they are discussing in the dialogue



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