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Unit 1 Cultural relics

Section A

Warming Up & Reading


C. may have wished D. could have wished 5. I _________ through that bitter period without your generous help. Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. 我们正在招聘一名有经验的老师。

We _________ _________ _________ _________ an experienced teacher.

2. 我找到了我昨天丢的字典。

I _________ _________ the dictionary I lost yesterday.

3. 警察在那一带查找线索。

The police _________ the area _________ clues. 4. 不论发生什么事,邓小平都继续坚持真理。 No matter what happened Deng Xiaoping kept on _________ _________ truth. 5. 圣诞树用彩灯来装饰。

The Christmas tree _________ _________ _________ colourful lights. 6. 这位英雄因勇敢而授勋。

The hero _________ _________ _________ bravery.

7. 我怀疑我是否能按时把这项工作完成。

I _________ _________ I can finish the work on time.

8. 我确信他是个诚实的人。

I don’t _________ _________ he is an honest man.

9. 毫无疑问,他有资格做这项工作。

There is _________ _________ _________ he is qualified for the job. Ⅱ. 单项填空

1. The painting we had thought to be of great _________ turned out to be _________. A. value; invaluable B. value; valueless C. valuable; valueless D. valuable; of value

2. After the traffic accident, no one _________ except a few people who were badly injured. A. survive B. survived C. was survived D. was surviving

3. _________ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. A. Having searched B. To search C. Searching D. Search 4. —Happy birthday!

—Thank you! It’s the best present I _________ for. A. couldn’t have gone B. didn’t go C. wouldn’t go D. hadn’t gone

6. The Great Wall is _________ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. A. so a well-known B. a so well-known C. such well-known a D. such a well-known 7. By 16:30, _________ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold. A. which B. when C. what D. that 8. He is not _________ he used to be. A. who B. whom C. which D. what

9. The players _________ from the whole country are expected to bring us honour in this summer game. A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected

10. A lot of people often forget that oral exams _________ to test our communicative ability. A. designing B. are designed C. are designing D. are being designed 11. A great number of students _________ said they were forced to practice playing the piano. A. to question B. to be questioned C. questioned D. questioning

12. Because of the thick fog, it _________ me about 2 hours to get there. A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost

13. —Someone wants you on the phone. —_________ nobody knows I am here. A. Although B. And C. But D. So

14. Huang Qiang, Secretary General of the COSTIND, said Shenzhou Ⅶ, _________ was the country’s third manned space mission, was being made. A. that B. whose C. which D. who

15. Navy officials reduced the punishment _________



  • cultural relics
  • cultural relics课件
  • relics
  • tap titans relics
  • 八年级下册英语unit1
  • 七年级下册英语unit1
  • 高一英语必修三unit1
  • 高中英语必修三unit1



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