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【篇一:高中英语 myhometown-我出生的村落作文素


myhometown-我出生的村落 i come from a very small village on the west coast of taiwan i usually go by a slow train, and it is about four from taipei. the villagers are mostly fishermen and farmers. the downtown of the village is two streets perpendicular to each other. life in the village is very slow and very simple; when you, and some-times you stop to visit. most people are either very old or very young because the big cities to work. small children always run in the streets without shoes, and chicken, geese, ducks, turkeys. it is very peaceful here.


my work city

harbin is a provincial city and the capital of the heilongjiang province in northeast china. harbin bears the nicknames the pearl on the swans neck (because the shape of heilongjiang resembles a swan, and oriental moscow or oriental paris for the architecture in the city. harbin is also known as ice city for its long and cold winter. the majestic st. sofia orthodox church and zhongyang each built in a european style have the effect of bringing you into an eastern moscow. even though you are sure to be attracted by various exotic buildings, the dragon tower which embodies the wisdom of t he chinese people is a must on your journey.

harbin also has industries such as light industry, textile, medicine, food, aircraft, automobile, metallurgy, electronics, building materials, and chemicals which help to form a fairly comprehensive industrial system. harbin is renowned for its culinary tradition. cuisine of harbin consist of european flavor dishes and chinese northern flavor dishes mainly typified by heavy sauce and deep-frying.

a popular regional specialty is harbin-style smoked savory red sausage.this product similar to lithuanian and german sausages which are very mild, and they tend to be much more of european flavours than other chinese sausages.





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