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what is your major consideration in choosing a job

strongly believe that I will be aggressive when I fight against the obstacles.

In addition, I also attach great importance to choose a good job with higher salary. Although it's universally acknowledged that money is not everything; we are living in such a materialistic society which strongly believes that no money is no talking. For example, without money, we can't afford an apartment, a car, even a personal

computer. Without money, we can't bring up a child and even feed on ourselves. Without money, we can't pay for the beautiful clothes, the delicious food and the movie ticket. So, in pursuit of a comfortable life, money is an important factor for me to choose a job.

Last but not least, flextime is a significant factor when I choose a good job. A relaxing lifestyle is my dream. On the contrary, a busy lifestyle could drive me exhausted and crazy. It reminds me of a girl, an excellent, aggressive and energetic white collar in a large company. She strongly believes an old saying---no pain, no gain, so that she devoted herself to her job. As a result, she was dead of overwork. In my mind, flextime enables me to enjoy what I really like. For example, with more free time, I can go shopping and do more exercise. With more free time, I can make more friends. With more free time, I can be accompanied with my child and my parents. With more free time, I can even travel all over the world.

To sum up, good career prospects, high salary and flextime are the major considerations for me when hunting a good job.



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