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作者:佚名 来源:学苑教育 日期:2009-12-4 9:43:45 Paper One 试卷一(90 minutes)

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(20 minutes,15 points)(略) Part Ⅱ Vocabulary(15 minutes,15 points) Section A

来源:学苑教育 1

24.It is anticipated that this contract will substantially increase sales over the next three years.

A.apparently B.slightly C.considerably D.steadily

25.The new government embarked upon a program of radical economic reform. A.initiated B.produced C.adopted D.implemented

26.In the accident three men were trapped in a submerged vehicle,and their only Directions:In this section there are fifteen sentences,each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A,B,C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

16.The very sight of the imposing buildings assured these tourists of the significant changes in this city.

A.instinctive B.impressive C.institutional D.imaginary

17.The accepted criteria of adequate diet have been challenged by new discoveries in nutrition.

A.formations http://doc.xuehai.netponents C.standards D.ingredients

18.Senior citizens are advised to go in for some creative activities to keep themselves mentally young.

A.search for B.invest in C.engage in D.work out

19.Presumably,excessive consumption of fried foods has serious consequences as has been proved.

A.theoretically B.Practically C.Incredibly D.Probably

20.The sitting-room feels comfortable with the fireplace shedding warm and faint light.

A.giving off B.calling off C.shaking off D.putting off

21.The nasty language of local officials makes them seem very ignorant and rude. A.artificial B.indecent C.humorous D.lively

22.We shouldn’t treat children as peers or friends,but guide them in making their choices,even if it means with some discipline.

A.persuasion B.punishment C.rewards D.criticism

23.Silk,although it is considered a delicate fabric,is in fact very strong,but it is adversely affected by sunlight. A.soft B.sheer C.fragile D.refined

hope was another man whose legs were broken. A.wrecked B.burnt C.overturned D.sunk

27.Nearly eleven thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.

A.criticizing B.neglecting C.blaming D.disclosing

28.There are some things in the class the teachers will not put up with. A.tolerate B.contribute C.resist D.prohibit

29.Despite the dangers and difficulties in fighting with the terrorists,the soldiers were resolute.

A.defensive B.aggressive C.stubborn D.firm

30.Born in 1932,he retired as a foreign correspondent for the Polish Press Agency in 1981,by which time his three books had started to come out. A.be subscribed B.be published C.be popular D.be written Section B

Directions:In this section,there are fifteen incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

31.Sometimes we buy a magazine with absolutely no purpose______to pass time. A.rather than B.other than C.as well D.except for

32.Those who ______women’s liberation movement continue to hope,and work,for a change.

A.consist in B.believe in C.indulge in D.result in

33.Finding out about these universities has become easy for anyone with Internet______.

A.entrance B.admission C.access D.entry



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