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Unit 5 Giving Thanks

Text A

Content Questions

1. He wrote them on a ship on the way to the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific on Thanksgiving Day,


2. Preparing a traditional Thanksgiving dinner featuring roast turkey made the writer extremely busy.

3. The writer was thinking about Thanksgiving.

4. He decided to write letters to show gratitude to those who had helped him in his life.

5. He had always accepted what they had done for him, but never expressed to any of them a simple

“Thank you.”

6. He decided to write to his father, his grandmother, and the Rev. Lonual Nelson, his grammar school


7. His father had impressed upon him from boyhood a love of books and reading.

8. He remembered that each morning Nelson would open the school with a prayer over his assembled


9. He recalled how his grandmother had taught him to tell the truth, to share, and to be forgiving and

considerate of others. And he thanked her for her delicious food and for all the wonderful things she had done for him.

10. His reading of their letters left him not only astonished but also more humbled than before, because

they all thanked him rather than saying they would forgive him for not having previously thanked them.

11. The writer learned that one should learn to express appreciation for others’ efforts.

12. The writer wished for all people the common sense to achieve world peace, and find the good and




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